Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Indecent Proposal

The President's recent job proposal was designed for one purpose. Unfortunately that purpose was not to put people back to work, or, at least, that wasn't it's primary purpose.
Struggling with independent votors the President has given the Republican's an offer they basically can't accept. While announcing a $450 billion plan that contains some Republican ideas and a whole lot of Democratic ideas he also added a poison pill. He is paying for it by taxing the Rich. The whole concept is basically a campaign commercial. Do you want congress to give you a job, or protect a tax break for corporate jets?
I've got to give Obama one thing, he has no clue how to run an economy, but, he is a master of demagoguery. In major trouble and having exhausted his class warfare card on the Bush tax extensions and at the debt debate, he basically went and invented himself a new way to play the soak the rich argument. He has actually tried this so many times that if you had to guess a theme for the first four years of his presidency it would be "the Rich (supposedly) paying their fair share".
Regardless, the jobs bill can't be passed. The super committee can't fund this, the Republican's can't take debt hit or the tax increases, and even if it passes it is very likely to have the same effect as Stimulus 1. The only thing this job bill does is give Barack Obama one more way to nail home his electoral platform of class jealousy.